Membership Requirements:,
Any person who has attended 2 sessions of classes, has attended 2 general membership meetings and completed 2 hrs of work at any club event, may apply for club membership. Members are expected to work at least 16 hours per year for the club (at least 4 hrs at a trial) Dues are $45.00 per year ($5 for each additional family member) and are due every July 1st. Family members are required to complete all membership requirements to receive discounts. To maintain membership in good standing, members must attend at least 4 club meetings and work at least 16 hours per year (4hrs must be trial related) Club members in good standing receive a discount on training classes, drop-ins, ring rental and can vote. All students are welcome to attend meetings and events. Meetings are held the third Friday of the month at 8:15PM, September-June at the training hall unless otherwise specified. (NOTE: MEETINGS MAY BE VIRTUAL VIA ZOOM OR IN PERSON AT THE TRAINING HALL -PLEASE CHECK MONTHLY CALENDAR FOR MORE INFORMATION) JOBS/HOURS Members are responsible to keep documentation of when and where they performed their hours. Hours MUST be reported in a timely manner to the Club Job Tracker Melissa Smey Those members who earn hours for ongoing jobs should report hours worked on a monthly basis. A link to the job and meeting tracking form is attached below For Membership Questions Contact: Geri Crane |

SICDTC Constitution 2022 (Changes made 2024) |

Member Job and Meeting Tracking Form |

Member Incentives |